Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Success with a Consumer

One month into the Occupational Therapy program and I've had my first success with a real life person! Ok, so I admit the person was myself, but who else is going to let me unleash my minuscule amount of skill on them at the moment? Learning about one of the principle OT process models, I have managed to apply it to one of my own Occupational Performance Issues (or OPI's as we say in the biz). My OPI is that I can't participate in my chosen sport (field hockey) due to a knee injury. Now my injury is not that serious in the grand scheme of things, but imagine the effect on someone's life if they were unable to doing something that is so central to them - something that practically defines them. The implications and ramifications of this are huge, spanning way beyond the immediate medical problem.

Having waited 4 months to see the knee specialist, I felt like I had to take matters into my own hands in order to get my story across. With an average consultation duration of 15 mins, even doctors with the best intentions would find it difficult to get up to speed with not only what is troubling the patient but also how it is affecting the rest of their life. I decided to make a 'Resume of Tom'. The resume included basic demographic details, a summary of my sporting involvement since I was a child (embarrassingly, the highlight of which still being an accomplishment at the age of 11), my current physical activities including those involved in my work duties, a detailed breakdown of my knee troubles (patterns of pain, signs and symptoms) and my goal for the future. My goal was to be able to participate in all my chosen physical activities, many of which involve a high degree of knee twisting. I had heard the word on the street that specialists are reluctant to operate unless the ligament is completely torn - my dubious MRI had concluded a grade II tear, so I thought I was fighting an uphill battle.

As the doctor scanned my scant notes trying to ascertain the reason I was in his office, I thrust this resume in his hands. My hope was that in the minute he took to scan it, he got a much broader picture what my complaint was, what I wanted done, but most of all, who I was. I was trying to make him realise how central physical activity is to my sense of self. I suppose I would define myself as being 'a sporty person' and therefore it is part of my sense of spirituality. He told me to jump on the examination bed (it was more of a hop) and tested the strength of the anterior cruciate ligament. My good leg had an 'end point' when he pulled, like a rubber band that wants to resist being stretched. My dodgy leg did not have an end point which led him to the quick diagnosis that the ligament was completely torn, apart from maybe a few fibres ahnging on for dear life. He immediately offered the choice of having the ligament repaired or leaving it the way it is, each with their associated risks and benefits. I chose the first option, final answer, with no need to phone a friend (admittedly, I had been polling my knee injury-ridden field hockey teammates in the few weeks prior so I had probably exhausted this lifeline already). I couldn't believe I was being given this opportunity. Utterly surprised at how easily he had agreed to go ahead with the surgery, I forgot to ask exactly what procedure he was going to do - I heard the word 'arthroscopy', but that didn't mean anything to me. The secretary told me I could be operated on in one month and again I was shocked with the immediacy of it all.

All in all, the visit to the specialist had been very successful. Let's be honest, being offered the surgery probably had nothing to do with the Resume of Tom. However, it made me feel like I had done everything I could have done to get my story across in the brief time available. I felt like an accurate picture of me had been presented rather than just first impression cues. In my mind at least, the hierarchical gap between the 'all-knowledgeable' doctor and the 'clueless/dependent' patient had been reduced; for this alone, I felt that it had been worth the effort. At the very least, my little primer had showed I was motivated to engage in this invasive procedure and the months of rehab that would follow. This motivation would definitely be capitalized upon in the OT realm.

So now to find out a little bit more about knee arthroscopies...hmmm...Google?

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