Friday, December 21, 2007

Army OT's

At the beginning of the year, we attended a Rehab Expo. It was pretty inspiring to see the array of amazing designs and devices that exist out there for people with disabilities. Curiously, one of the exhibition booths at the Expo was a recruiting stand for the Canadian Army. One of my classmates went up to the booth and asked if the army employed OT's. The women looked blank - the sort of "shall I admit that I don't really know what an OT is or should I just wing it" look. Recognising this expression, my classmate filled her in on the ins and outs of a job that would seem essential in the rehab of injuries inflicted during service. The women replied that she thought the army employed PT's but not OT's. If anyone knows whether the Canadian Army employs OT's, I would be interested to know. Maybe this is one of those areas where OT is not deemed essential enough to put funding into, but wouldn't all an injured soldier want to do is return to "normal living"? That could be a tough proposition without the help of an OT. Anyway, this little YouTube clip below shows the American Army have figured it out.

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